Illinois Wing Civil Air Patrol
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Aerospace Education

Aerospace Education Conference on Sunday, September 24th, at Bult Field

Illinois Wing Director of Aerospace Education

Maj Mike Marzano

Illinois Wing ignites the imagination of CAP members and the general public through CAP’s Aerospace Education Program.

Multiple membership levels allow access to the Aerospace Education and Free STEM kit programs. When using the STEM program, don’t forget to go online in e-services to submit a completion form; if you don’t, you cannot sign out another kit.

For the external program, the entire squadron should take an active role in going into the community. Everyone knows at least one teacher or principal; talk to them to become an AEM ( Aerospace Education Member). Explain to them the program's benefits, e.g., free curriculum materials, the ability to participate in the AEX program, and the ability to request STEM kits from our national headquarters.  Members are encouraged to give presentations in the classrooms, Become merit badge counselors for the Scouts and put on merit badge workshops, and Give presentations at your local library and to various civic organizations. The opportunities are endless. Be in uniform when you present (Representing CAP), and take plenty of photos to document the activity. You can also submit them to the local newspaper for posting on our web page.

As the Director of Aerospace Education for the Wing, I look forward to seeing that we “Ignite the Imagination ” in Illinois. Dr. Mae C. Jemison, a good friend, once said, “Never limit yourself because of someone else’s limited imagination. “ We can do it!!!

For more information on CAP’s Aerospace Education Program, contact Maj Mike Marzano.


Reviewed 3 Sept  2023

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