Illinois Wing Civil Air Patrol
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Civil Air Patrol Master Communications Badge – Vanguard Industries

Director of Communications (DC)

Lt Col Robert Becker

Asst Director of Communications

Capt Steve Malmgren

Licensing Officer

Lt Col James Weiland

FEMA Region V Liaison

Lt Col James Bartel

FEMA Region VI Liaison

Capt John Myers II

Welcome to the communication program of the United States Air Force Auxiliary, Civil Air Patrol within Illinois Wing!
The nationwide CAP communication system has 840 high-frequency radio stations, 5,000 fixed-land radio stations, and 10,000 mobile radios deployed in CAP units in every state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
Using volunteer operators trained to professional standards, the CAP communications network is a ready force for homeland security and for protecting life and property.

Communication has always been an integral support function for each of Civil Air Patrol’s missions.  More recently, communications has also become a mission in itself, providing radio expertise to other federal partners and state and local agencies.

CAP has an extensive VHF radio system in each wing, made up of fixed location repeaters in strategic locations throughout the state,  as well as portable repeaters that can be set up quickly on the ground or installed in an aircraft. Most Illinois Wing aircraft support portable repeaters.  There is also a nationwide network of HF radio stations providing long-distance communications.   In addition, each CAP-owned vehicle and aircraft include VHF communications, with some vehicles also containing HF radios.

VHF and HF provide interoperability with federal, state, and local agencies and military units. Our partners consider CAP an option to provide fast, reliable communications when traditional infrastructure is unavailable or overloaded.




Last reviewed: 6 Sep 23

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