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ET Tips and Announcements

ETO tip of the month.

September 2021- Once you complete your training in Axis, through a cohort or VIR, your Level will need to be approved. Your first step will be unit commander approval. At Level 1 and Level 2 your unit commander will be the person to do the first and final approval. When you complete Level 3 and Level 4, your unit commander will approve the level and it should then go to your Group commander for approval. The final approval will come from the Wing. Feel free to contact 1st Lt Julie Moses at and she will get the wing approval process started.  For Level 5 which is our highest level, this requires approval all the way to National HQ. Follow the same process for Level 3 and Level 4- let 1st Lt Julie Moses know and she will start the process up the chain of command. 

July 2021 - Specialty Tracks versus Member Path. A specialty track is one of 22 areas, listed in CAPR 40-1 Table 7.1, that a member can focus on for their unit duties. When a member gets assigned a duty position they should automatically be enrolled in the relevant specialty track. Some tracks, such as command, require additional steps from the wing before you can be entered into that track. There are three ratings (technician, senior, and master) for each track, and earning a rating is required to complete Levels 2 (technician), 3 (senior), and 4 (master). 
The member path is one of four paths (former cadet, professional receiving advanced grade, new member, or current/former military) that a new senior member is placed into by their ETO during Level 1. For those members who completed Level 1 prior to 4 August 2020, there is an option to select their path during Level 2 as well. Choosing the correct path tells AXIS what Level 2 modules to make available for the student. See CAPR 40-1 Attachment 4 for a listing of the modules associated with each of the four paths. Knowing what path you are in will also help you select the correct course if choosing an in-person or VIR option. 

June 2021 - The grandfathering period for the old Professional Development program is over and everyone is now under the new Education and Training program. However, you can still submit equivalency credit for professional military education (PME) for ET modules through your unit ETO. See CAPR 40-1 attachment 9 for a list of what PMEs are currently accepted. If you have done a military PME that isn't on the list we can ask NHQ if it will count. See CAPR 40-1 attachments 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 to find what tier PMEs from attachment 9 count for what modules in each level.

May 2021 - VolU students can complete modules in several ways to accommodate their schedules. Any module (including automated modules) can be taught in-person (this includes virtual means such as Teams, Google Meet, etc.) by a qualified VolU instructor. Students can also sign up for a cohort to complete the moderated modules or sign up for regularly scheduled Virtual In Residence (VIR) modules offered by several VolU instructors. VIR instructors are currently offering Levels 2 and 3 with the Squadron Commander Course starting soon.

April 2021 - VolU instructors have access to an NHQ instructors Microsoft Team as a collaboration tool for all VolU instructors. The online chair, Lt Col Brenda Reed, automatically adds online instructors to the team once they are certified. Onsite instructors should contact the onsite chair, Col Barry Melton, at to get added.

March 2021 - Several VolU instructors have teamed up to offer virtual Level 2 and 3 modules. The Virtual In Residence Calendars are available on the VolU website under the Level 2 and Level 3 sections and also on the ILWG ET Courses page.

February 2021 - Check out our newly added resources on the ET Resources page. There are several new documents that you will find useful such as a user guide for the ET tools in eServices, a breakdown of the four paths in Level 2, a listing of the automated versus moderated modules, a guide to submitting a specialty track rating, a lexicon of Volunteer University terms and the Cadet Protection Summary Conversation to help you complete that Level 1 module.

January 2021 - You need to select a path for new members in eServices for their Level 1 modules to show up in AXIS. If the member completed Level 1 prior to the ET changeover, then you can assign the path in Level 2 Part 1. Here is a description of the paths to help you and the new member choose the best path for them:

Cadet Path is for former cadets. A member who was recently a cadet would benefit from this path as it was designed for members who are of a similar age as cadets and transitioning from cadet to senior. If you left the Cadet Program a few years ago, this path is not recommended.
Military Path: If you are current or former military, this is the path you should choose.
New Member Path: If you do not fit any of the others, choose this path.
Professional Path: This path is for those who will receive an advanced promotion under CAPR 35-5 Section 4 (Mission Related Skills – Pilots, A&P Mechanics, General Radio Operators License, or Ground Instructors) or CAPR 35-5 Section 5 (Professional Appointments and Promotions – Chaplains, Character Development Instructors, certain Health Services Personnel, Certified Teachers/Professors who are AEOs, Legal Officers, CPAs, etc.).

December 2020 - Don't be surprised by cadets turning 18 and going overdue for initial CPPT. You can catch them six months before they turn 18 by running the Cadets Within 6 Months From Being 18 or 21 report under Member Reports. Ask your Personnel Officer for help if you don't have Reports permissions yourself.

November 2020 - When you assign members to a new track, have them review the senior and master checklists along with the technician checklist. This highlights future training or service requirements that they may be able to accomplish now. For example, an AEO working on their technician rating may not realize that they should attend the upcoming ILWG AE Conference because they need that for their AE senior rating.


Grandfather Period

All grandfathering clauses expired on May 31st, 2021. Everyone is now in the new ET program.

Cohort Signups

Online cohorts are accepting applications monthly due the last Tuesday of each month.  The upcoming cohorts will be assigned and announced on the first Tuesday of each month.  To sign up for a cohort, go to the eServices menu tab > Professional Development > Professional Levels.  Click on Cohort Request under the Volunteer University section.  If you notice after signing up that you are no longer registered, please don't sign up again as you have been placed in a cohort and the instructor will contact you shortly.  Under the Accomplishments section, you will be able to record your progress and upload documentation yourself instead of relying on your ETO to do it for you.  Please contact your unit's ETO with questions about your ET progress and what you need to focus on next.

Volunteer University Instructor Signups

Please sign up as an instructor for the new program. Go to the NHQ website for more application details.  You will need to submit a resume along with your application.  Please remember that becoming an instructor is a requirement to complete both Levels IV and V.  The good news is you don't have to be in Level IV or V to become an instructor.  If you are interested in teaching and mentoring other members you can apply to instruct prior to starting Level IV.  Please keep the applications coming so we have more instructors to fill this great need as we have many members waiting for instructors now.

Cadet Protection Training

Now is the time to make sure your Cadet Protection Basic or Advanced Course training is current. This needs to be completed every four years. New members and cadets who are about to turn 18 must complete a summary conversation signed off by one of the following: Commander, Deputy Commander, Deputy Commander for Cadets, Deputy Commander for Seniors, Director of Cadet Programs, Director of Education and Training, Director of Personnel, Education and Training Officer, Personnel Officer, and Vice Commander. Cadets can take the course as soon as they turn 17. Contact your ETO to make arrangements for this part of the training. The course is in LMS in eServices. If you aren't sure if you need the course, contact your ETO to check your status. Cadet Protection Training requirements are listed in CAPR 60-2, Chapter 3. See the NHQ Cadet Protection Training page for more details.

Yeager Exam

As a part of the Aerospace Program, Senior Members need to complete the Yeager Exam. This now counts towards Level II completion. The Yeager Exam is currently in Axis under the Learning Management System (LMS). To complete the Yeager you will need the Aerospace Textbook. You can download it by going to Menu > Aerospace Education > AE Downloads and Resources. Download Aerospace: The Journey of Flight 3rd Edition. To find the Yeager Exam go to Menu > Online Learning > Learning Management System. Click on the "Go to AXIS" button at the top of the screen. Click on the Course Catalog tab. Scroll down to almost the bottom of the list for the Yeager Award Exam. Click on enroll. The exam is open-book. Contact your ETO if you have any questions about the exam.


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