Illinois Wing Civil Air Patrol
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Email Usage By IL Wing CAP

IL Wing uses targeted email communication to its members, better known as email lists. The following attachment below shows the emails lists that currently exist. By understanding these lists, you can get better involved in general or specific specialties within CAP. It is suggested that you setup an email rule to filter these emails based on the subject line which will be “ILWG Listname- generic subject” where “Listname” is name of the email list and “generic subject” is chosen by the author of the email. Specific questions about these lists should be directed to:

If you are concerned about separating CAP emails from your normal emails, you may want to consider getting a CAP specific email address or setting up rules for your email account(s).

If you are the parent of a cadet, you may want to considering listing your email address as CADET PARENT’S EMAIL instead of your cadet’s email.

What is the difference between your PRIMARY and SECONDARY email addresses? Basically nothing. Using a PRIMARY and SECONDARY allows you to receive messages at both your home and work email account if you so desire.

While it is strongly discouraged, you can opt out of all CAP emails. This is not just ILWG emails, this is for all CAP emails. Go into eServices, at the top of the page under My Info, click on Review/Edit My Info. Now on the left hand side, click on “Contact Information” under “My Information”. Select “Email” and select the DO NOT CONTACT option.

Email lists for Squadron Commanders

Email lists for Group Commanders

Email lists for Emergency Services

Email lists for Duty Assignments






Last reviewed 19 Mar 21

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