Illinois Wing Civil Air Patrol
Main Content

Public Affairs Resources

Public Affairs Resources

PAO Toolkit 

NHQ/PA Resource Library (Lots for great products)

Website/Email Setup/Social Media

Unit Plan of Action Template

Civil Air Patrol PSAs

Commanders PA orientation

2020 Fact Sheet

2020 Illinois Wing Report

2019 Fact Sheet

2021 Boilerplate   (The short version is listed below for copy and paste ease)

2021 Powerpoint Template

How to set up a Civil Air Patrol Branded Signature Block and Business Cards

The Importance of Effective Public Relations:

(Short Version)                                                                                                                                                                                          Established in 1941, Civil Air Patrol is the official auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force and as such is a member of its Total Force. In its auxiliary role, CAP operates a fleet of 560 single-engine Cessna aircraft and more than 2,000 small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) and performs about 90% of all search and rescue operations within the contiguous United States as tasked by the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center. Often using innovative cellphone forensics and radar analysis software, CAP was credited by the AFRCC with saving 130 lives during the past fiscal year. CAP’s 54,000 members also perform homeland security, disaster relief, and drug interdiction missions at the request of federal, state, and local agencies. As a nonprofit organization, CAP plays a leading role in aerospace education using national academic standards-based STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education. Members also serve as mentors to over 20,000 young people participating in CAP’s Cadet Programs

Online Photo Gallery – SMUGMUG

Q & A on SmugMug, the CAP national photography site!

1 – Are all NCSAs using it? YES

2 – How do I upload photos? First, request a gallery online at then you will be emailed an upload link. Just drag and drop your photos, and they are live online.

3 – How many photos should I post? All of them, that is, once you have reviewed, selected the best, and removed duplicates. Remember this represents your activity and all of CAP.

4 – Does it cost money? NO! the NHQ SmugMug is free to upload and download from.

5 – More questions? Contact

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