Illinois Wing Civil Air Patrol
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Recruiting and Retention

Director of Recruiting and Retention

Lt Col Carol Curtis

The Illinois Wing (ILWG) Civil Air Patrol’s Recruiting and Retention initiative focus on supporting Illinois Wing and Group Recruiting & Retention officers (RROs) and all Units without an RRO on staff.

Initiatives seek to promote CAP’s achievements in accomplishing core missions, share best practices, and encourage continued volunteer service of our valued members. The goal of this initiative is to assist members in Illinois Wing by enhancing the value of CAP membership.

Recruiting and retention in Civil Air Patrol focuses on creating awareness of CAP Missions, educating prospective members, setting realistic expectations, active listening to current members, and proactively helping members achieve their desired goals within the organization.

RROs should collaborate and coordinate activities with Public Affairs Officers and Personnel Officers.

Recruiting & Retention Officer Tools

CAP provides a number of tools to assist RROs. Following are a few links.

RRO Specialty Track

NHQ Recruiting Tools web page
NHQ Field Recruiting & Retention Field Repository
NHQ Recruiting and Retention Blog
Illinois Wing Facebook Page
New Senior Member Kit
Help for New Cadets

Build your unit recruiting plan

Unit Recruiting Assessment

Unit Goals – Get Everyone Involved

Creating a Month-to-Month Plan

Compiling Your Plan

How To Plan An Open House




Last reviewed 3 Jun 21

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